great outdoor provision

GLOG : OCTOBER 2016 by Glenn Fajota

Time for some news! It's been a busy month for GFP, and it's gonna get even more busier. GFP has been up to hikes, weddings, travel shoots, and many more to come. In this upcoming week, we will be flying out to the east coast for several different shoots. We went to our favorite local store, the Great Outdoor Provision Co., to pack and preparing ourselves for travel. This store is where we get all of our gear and electronics for any outdoor/travel trip.

Gear we bought from Great Outdoor Provision:
Goal Zero Solar Panel
Goal Zero Battery Pack
Nemo Sleeping Pad 20 Regular
MSR Windburner

Get your own gear from Great Outdoor Provision Co.

Also, check out our social media pages to see what we're going to be up to: